Hielke Maps Network

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White chat text instead of gray to stand out!
Access to Emoji's with /emoji 😎🥳
/fly in the lobby 
Unlocks pet renaming! Give your little friend a name!
Unlocks /training_mode in maps! Start training for that perfect run!
Unlocks /localtime to change the time in maps while playing! Perfect for when using shaders!
Unlocks the wardrobe! Equip the items you find in Item Crates!
+10 extra friend slots for a total of 20!
+25% Parcoins bonus for map completion




Everything in the VIP rank, plus:

Access to chat effects! Use r, w, j, rw and rj!

Unlocks ALL particles (21)
Unlocks ALL pets (28)
Unlocks ALL mounts (8)
(can only be used in lobby)
+20 extra friend slots for a total of 30!
+50% Parcoins bonus for map completion




Everything in the VIP+ rank, plus:

Access to ALL emotes (over 50!) with /emote! 

Access to ALL morphs (47). Want to play parkour as an Enderman? You can do that!

* Does not include teleportation

Access to ALL wardrobe items! Hats, armor, balloons, everything! Go Crazy!

+50 extra friend slots for a total of 60!
+100% Parcoins bonus for map completion

About Hielke Maps Network